Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION


Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


MAZUROV, Alexey Borisovich



HEI’s image.Moscow Region State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies (MRSIHSS) is a modern general purpose university with an exceptional talent pool as well as high educational and research potential. University’s main mission is to act as a hub for social, cultural, research and educational initiatives and innovations of the Moscow region, as well as to function in the capacity of the leading educational institution for teacher training in the region and to maintain professional relations with a wide range of social partners. Quality Management System of the University is certified in accordance with ISOˇ9001:2008.

Programme presentation. Teacher training program is implemented at eight faculties of the University. These training programs are in line with the traditions of teacher training which had been established in the region. The main purpose of the program is to pro-vide the industry with education professionals, equipped with fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The University maintains well-established international academic ties with educational institutions of Austria, the United Kingdom, Germany, and People’s Republic of China, France, the United States of America and other countries. Alarge group of international students are doing an undergraduate course in “Teacher training”.

Teaching staff. Scientific and research groups of the University are widely known inˇ Russia and abroad. Moscow Region State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies maintains close ties with academic institutions of RussianAcademy of Sciences and RussianAcademy of Education, as well as with the leading universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tver, Yaroslavl and many others. University departments annually apply for grants of Russian Foundation for Humanities and Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Teachers are holders of prestigious prizes and awards for international, federal and regional levels take part in various international projects.

Competitiveness of students. Average Unified State Examination grade in 2013 was 66.6 for teacher training programs. Students of the University are many time winners of international and national competitions and contests. Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages win study grants of German universities and work as Russian language assistants in France. Among the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport are world champions as well as winners of the World Universiade in Kazan (2013.). Manyundergraduate students are members of the University Student Research Society. Days ofStudent Science are held annually.

Interaction with employers. The University provides high quality education and monitors the results of educational programs of the graduates. Together with the potential employers the University organizes career expos, roundtables, mindset trainings etc.
