Best Educational Programs: POWER MACHINE BUILDING
Department of Power Units and Thermal Engines
Bachelor’s programme

KHIMICH, Vladimir Leonidovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The Programme is implemented in two specialties: “Gas-Turbine, Steam-Power Units and Engines” and “Internal-Combustion Engines”. The Department trains bachelors in the field of designing and calculating reciprocating combined engines based on traditional and alternative energy sources, hybrid power units, and control systems for internal – combustion engines. Students master competencies in the field of design, production, assemblage and audit of heat power units; design and calculation of industrial heat-exchange apparatus; diagnostics, maintenance, service and operation of major heat-power stations and plants. The Department’s students study and implement latest research and technology achievements in the sphere of heat-power energy. Laboratory equipment includes engine-testing equipment with loading devices, diesel-generating units, water turbine steam-generating units, gas tur-bines, air micro-turbine testing equipment. The Department cooperates with leading national research schools in the field of engine construction –
Teaching staff. The Department’s teaching staff consists of experienced honoured workers of higher professional education, recognized experts in power machine building (Professors, Doctors of Sciences V. Khimich, L. Zakharov, Y. Kuznetsov; Candidates of Sciences S.Khrunkov, A. Tikhomirov, A. Voevodin and others), as well as young employees under 25 years of age (A. Kraynov, engineer K. Kurakin).
Competitiveness of students. The average passing grade for the Programme is 184. During the study process, every student of the Department has work experience and receives offers of part-time employment in companies of the real economy sector.
Interaction with employers. For the purpose of lecturing and conducting master-classes the Department invites leading specialists of the companies: OJSC “Teploobmennik”, OJSCˇ “RUMO”, LLCˇ “Inturbo”, LLC “Avtoliga” and others. All graduation theses are developed on a defined subject. Defending of qualification theses is performed at the company, where the student had his pre-degree practice, in the presence of the chief specialists of the organization and thesis supervisors.