Department of Heat and Power Stations
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

SCHINNIKOV, Pavel Alexandrovich
Head of Department
Programme presentation. One of the main tasks of specialists’ training of this programme is to form necessary competences for the development of advanced technologies and trends in energetics.
The up-to-date material and technical resources of NSTU play a key role. Classes are conducted in research and multimedia laboratories, computer classrooms and e-libraries.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff comprises 5 Doctors of Science, professors and 11ˇCandidates of Science, assistant professors. 3 Doctors of Science and 25 Candidates of Engineering Science are graduates of the Department’s scientific school. Among teachers is G.V. Nozdrenko, Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, full member of The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the International Energy Agency, Honoured Citizen of the Fatherland, Honoured Scientist of RF and Honoured Worker of Higher Education of RF.
Research and development projects of the teachers and students have been winners of national and international competitions.
Competitiveness of students. The graduate department has exchange programmes for undergraduates, Master students and postgraduates. Each development carried out by a Master student is unique and different by the novelty of methods and solutions and is relevant for practical work.
The Department carries out training of Master students at the confluence of heat and power engineering and economics. Postgraduate education and thesis defence of Candidates of Engineering Science are carried out in the Dissertation Council chaired by V.E. Nakoryakov, winner of The Global Energy Prize, RAS Academician.
Interaction with employers. Specialists of this programme are in high demand in all regions of