Department of Track Machines, Construction Machines and Robot Systems
Specialist’s programme

KOVALSKY, Viktor Fyodorovich
Head of the department
Programme presentation: The department trains specialists, qualified to conduct research and design work in the field of construction of contemporary track, construction, handling and loading-and-unloading machines, technological machines for manufacturing construction materials, machines and equipment for underground railways, automated storage and retrieval systems. The Department’s graduates are also qualified in management of high-tech manufacturing, effective use and maintenance of the above listed equipment.
Teaching staff. The Department’s teaching staff includes highly qualified specialists, Doctors and Candidates of Sciences: Professor V.F. Kovalsky – specialist in statics and dynamics of hydraulic gear of track, construction and handling equipment, Doctor of Technical Sciences P.A. Sorokin – specialist in automation and diagnostics of steel constructions of handling, construction and track equipment, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.G. Grinchar – specialist in technical diagnostics and robustness of hydraulic gear of track, construction and handling equipment and others.
Among graduates of the Department there are many Honoured Technical Workers and managers of administration of railway traffic and transport construction: laureates of State prizes A. Dragavtsev, and A. Ignatyev. A. Dragavtsev is awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labour for designing new track machines.
Competitiveness of students. The average passing grade for the Programme’s applicants is 178. During the study process the students of the Department are enrolled in solving production tasks, which allows them to acquire necessary skills in project implementation. Best students have an opportunity to continue their studies as postgraduates, undertake internship abroad. Projects of students and postgraduates of the Department win prizes of the National Expo of Research and Technical Creativity of Youth, win grants of the contest “U.M.N.I.K”.
Interaction with employers. Graduates of the Faculty are employed in structural divisions of JSC “Russian Railways” and transport construction, machinery plants, research institutions and design-construction organizations (JSC “VNIIPTMASH”, JSC “VNIIZHT”, JSC “VNIKTI”, JSC “TSNIIS” and others), organizations, which conduct expert evaluation of technical conditions of track, construction and handling equipment. Graduates of the Department work in Russian branches of the leading western companies, they are also employed in