Department of Informational Radio Systems
Specialist’s programme

RYNDYK, Aleksander Georgievich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The study programme “Radioelectronic Systems and Complexes” covers a range of issues on researching electromagnetic waves and their application in different fields of science and technology. The Department implements the principles of programmable radio electronics, whose conception is prevailing influence of software on functional capacity of radio electronic systems; this allows rapid changing of their specifications according to the determined requirements. Students acquire necessary skills in designing, core design, technical and working projects of radio electronic means with the use of automation of design work and best practices in developing competitive products. Students participate in research work under the grant of the RF Government.
Teaching staff. The highest level of teaching is provided by Doctors and Candidates of Sciences: A. Ryndyk, S. Raevsky, A. Pluzhnikov, A. Zenkovich, A. Flaksman, A. Myakinkov, A. Blyakhman, A. Andriyanov, A. Raevsky and others. The Department’s teachers actively participate in international conferences in
Competitiveness of students. The average passing grade for the Programme’s applicants in 2014 was 214. Due to high demand for the Programme’s graduates, the Department admits applicants by orders from enterprises of the defence complex (80-90%). Students have the possibility to study in the Centre of Digital Technologies, whose employees are teachers, postgraduates and students of the Department. The primary focus of the Centre is research and development of digital signal processing and its software provision. The Programme’s graduates are easily employed. They can work in the sphere of information technology in small companies, which use radio equipment and develop software, and in major enterprises, which develop advanced radio electronic complexes.
Interaction with employers. The Department maintains tight connections with leading companies of radio electronic industry: OJSC “Almaz-Antey”, Sedakov Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Technology, OJSC Research and Development Association “PravdinskyRadiozavod”, OJSC “Research and Development Enterprise “Polyot” and other; cooperates with foreign HEIs (Birmingham University).