Department of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Systems
Bachelor’s programme

FAIZRAKHMANOV, Rustam Abubakirovich
Programme presentation. Educational specialization “Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control” is targeted at training highly qualified specialists of automated control systems, who are skilled in designing, realization, implementation and servicing automated control systems and their components in industrial enterprises, organizations and institutions with the use of contemporary information technologies. Graduates of the Programme are competent in operating informatization and automation objects; formalizing technical requirements, developing necessary design documentation, executing design procedures of informational, programming, mathematical, technical provision of automated control systems. Bachelors have the possibility to continue studies as masters and postgraduates.
Teaching staff. The teachers participate in national and international exhibitions, research conferences, and project developing. Their works win first prizes and take gold and silver medals. Many of the teachers are heads and employees of IT-companies and organizations. Graduates and teachers successfully defend dissertations, undergo externship in leading companies and universities of
Competitiveness of students. Students of the Programme participate in grants, budgetary and commercial projects under the supervision of leading engineers and teachers, report the results of their works at annual research conferences. Students’ term papers and theses are connected with developing and upgrading automated control systems and their components.
The students of the Department take part in national and international Olympiads, com-petitions, exhibitions – “Archimedes”, PRIS, Microsoft Imagine Cup, international Olympiads in high-level languages and programming of microcontrollers, Oracle, IT-Planet, and others; take prize-winning places. The Department participates in students exchange programme with Vienna University of Technology.
Interaction with employers. Students are placed for work experience in IT-departments of different companies: JSC “Prognoz”, OJSC “Business Computer Soft”, JSC “IVS-networks”, LLC “Lukoil-Inform”, OJSC “Sberbank”, OJSC “Perm Engine Company”, OJSC “Aviadvigatel” and others.
Graduates work in industrial enterprises, banks, research and educational institutions as system engineers, programming engineers, electronics engineers, system architects and analysts and network engineers.