Best Educational Programs: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY
Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

PIMERZIN, Andrey Alexeevich
Chair of the Department
Programme presentation. Within this area of training three educational programmes are delivered: “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, “Chemical Technology of Macromolecular Compounds” and “Chemical Technology of Natural Energy Products and Carbon Materials”.
For the implementation of the educational process the departments have in place the necessary material and technical support that includes laboratories of chemical technology and the laboratory of catalysis and surface phenomena, which are equipped with the most up-to-date facilities and are included in the Common Use Centre of SamSTU. Students also use the teaching and research centre “Modern Technologies of Oil Processing” which has a powerful software package.
The development of academic mobility of students and postgraduates is promoted by the cooperation with research and educational institutions of Russia (N.D Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University, G.K. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of RAS) and foreign countries (Rostock University, Germany; Centre for Research and Development HaldorTopsoe, Denmark; Lille University of Science and Technology, France; University of Aberdeen, Scotland).
Teaching staff. Over 90% of the major departments’ teachers have academic degrees and titles. Among them there are Doctors of Chemical Sciences, professors S.V. Levanova, A.A.Pimerzin, N.N.Tomina; V.G.Vlasov, professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences and T.N.ˇNesterova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant professor.
The staff of the departments repeatedly underwent research internships in leading world educational and research centres of the
Competitiveness of students. Students’ achievements include victories in All-Russian student Olympiad “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, contest “Golden re-serve of oil and gas industry”, contest of graduate qualification works of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Students of the Department repeatedly won the RAS competition for the best research work and were awarded medals. Students in the given area of training are regularly recognized as the best graduates of the HEI, and postgraduates have traditionally won the contest of personal grants of HaldorTopsoe company (
Interaction with employers. The departments deliver the three-step system of training “secondary school – HEI – enterprise” in cooperation with JSC “NK “Rosneft” and petrochemical company “SANORS”. Every year heads of the major regional enterprises chair state attestation commissions.