Best Educational Programs: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY
Faculty of Chemical and Biochemical Technology
Bachelor’s programme

SIROTINKIN, Nikolay Vasilyevich
Programme presentation. The programme is implemented in five major profiles: “Technology and Processing of Polymers”, “Chemical Technology of Synthetic Biologically Active Substances, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Agents and Cosmetic Preparations“, “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, “Chemical Technology of Natural Energy Carriers and Carbon Base Materials”, “Chemical Technology of Hydrocarbon Gases and Gas Condensate”. Every student will master contemporary methods of producing of organic agents and materials, techniques and types of using industrial equipment, methods of computer modeling, forecasting characteristics and synthesis of different classes of polymer compounds and biologically active substances; and will be theoretically and practically skilled in molecular design.
The educational process is supplied with modern research equipment and the computer software complex, which provided by mathematical modeling of molecular systems and production processes in Mathcad, AspenONE Engineering Suite and AspenONE Supply Chain for Chemicals environment.
Teaching staff. Training is conducted by highly qualified teaching staff, which includes 3 Honored Workers of Science of the
Competitiveness of students. The average State Examination grade for the programme applicants is one of the highest in the HEI. Students of the Faculty have won national contests of students’ best research work, scientific Olympiads, and scholarships. Students’ are placed for practical experience and writing graduation thesis in the leading academic and research centres, and modern enterprises of St.Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation: the Institute of High-molecular Compositions of the Russian Academy of Science, LLC “Nokian Tires”, LLC “Production Association “Kirishnefteorgsintez”, LLC “RosneftTuapse Refinery”, LLC “Lukoil-Ukhta-neftepererabotka”, JSC “Novbythim” and others.
Interaction with employers. Graduates are highly employable in enterprises and project organizations, academic and industrial institutions of St.Petersburg, other regions of