Best Educational Programs: CONFLICTOLOGY


Department of Social Work and Social Anthropology

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


OSMUK, Ludmila Alekseevna

Head of Department


Programme presentation. This training course is based on current leading approaches to conflict resolution. The programme is exceptional in the system of higher education of the profile “Conflictology” in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region; it takes into consideration regional specific features of labour market of the Siberian region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A graduate of this educational programme is regarded by the department as a professional negotiator, training specialist, mediator in conflict resolution, manager of reconciliation programme, expert and consultant in the sphere of social and interpersonal conflicts.

According to the curriculum students have a unique possibility to get the Diploma of Higher Education together with the Mediator in Conflict Certificate allowing them to carry out professional activity in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

Teaching staff. 5 Doctors of Sciences, 10 Candidates of Sciences and 5 assistant professors work at the Department of Social Work and Social Anthropology. The teachers have International Certificates of specialists in interpersonal conflicts resolution. All mediators annually upgrade their skills in up-to-date methods of conflict resolution. They are practicing training specialists, consultants and supervisors.

The department cooperates with the leading Russian and American scientists (New Jersey, Louisville, USA) who give master classes and lectures for students on a regular basis.

Competitiveness of students. Field experience is organized with a possibility of future employment in a social institution. Senior students start working in such organizations as Rospotrebnadzor, Bailiff  Department, The Public Chamber of Novosibirsk region, consulting and training agencies.

In the framework of the optional programme students study Polish and undertake intern ships in Poland.

Interaction with employers. The Department cooperates with different services and institutions of the region: The Regional Resource Centre “Semya”, The Conflictology and Social Issues Research Centre, The Consultation and Meditation Service. Over 50 agreements have been concluded with organizations-partners and 5 research and methodology testing sites have been set up.
