Best Educational Programs: ART OF FOLK SINGING
Department of Choral and Solo Folk Singing
Bachelor’s program

MEDVEDEVA, Marina Vasilevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. International professional-public accreditation (Certificate 1341-08-A022.1 of March 21, 2014).
Russian Gnessin Academy of Music offers some more best educational programs in the field of Culture and Arts.
Teaching staff. Students of the department major in Solo Folk Singing. The teachers of the department are heads of state professional folk song ensembles (the Kuban Cossack Choir and the North Russian Folk Choir), directors and vocalists of state folk song theaters (the Russian Song Folklore Theater, the Vladimir Nazarov Theater). The teaching staff include one Doctor of Sciences, four Candidates of Sciences, three holders of the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, three Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, two Honored Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation and one Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Academy partners within the educational program. Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts (a major in Solo Folk Singing in Mongolia, Ulan Bator), the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy (a major in National Instrument), Belarusian State Academy of Music.
Alumni’s achievements. The alumni of the department include N.G. Babkina, Artistic Director of the Russian Song Ensemble, a holder of the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation; A.P. Litvinenko, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation; N.N. Kadysheva, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, a soloist of the Golden Ring Ensemble; L.G. Riumina, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, the founder and irreplaceable director of the Moscow State Ensemble “Rus;” V.S. Deviatov, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, and many others.
Facilities and resources. The dormitory is equipped with rehearsal rooms, a gym and an auditorium, and a sports ground. The material and technical equipment of classrooms for special courses complies with the established standards. There is state-of-the-art recording audio and video equipment. There are four concert halls. The library and record library fund related to the educational program is regularly replenished and completed with new printed media, audio and video recordings.
Opportunities for students. Students undertake their internship in the Kuban Cossack Choir, the North Russian Folk Choir, the Russian Song Folklore Theater, the Vladimir Nazarov Theater, the Academic Choirs of Russian Song “Songs of Russia” and “Slavonic Melodies,” the Ryazan Folk Choir named after E. Popov, the Moscow Folklore Cultural Center under the direction of L. Riumina. The department hosts all-Russian festival competitions “Young Talents of Russia” and “VechnyeIstoki” (Eternal Origins), and regularly hosts all-Russian research and practical conferences devoted to folk song performance and education.
Employment prospects. Vocal ensemble soloist, director of professional or amateur folk choir, vocal ensemble director, teacher.