Department of Regional Economics and Management
Bachelor’s program

MISHCHENKO, Vitalii Viktorovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program underwent professional-public accreditation, which proved its compliance with the European standards and criteria of the ESG-ENQA quality aasurance.
Altai State University offers some more best educational programs in the field of Economics and Management:
BUSINESS INFORMATICS - Bachelor’s program
ECONOMIC SECURITY - Specialist’s program
Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 55 teaching staff, 47 teachers among them holding academic titles, four holding the title of Doctor of Sciences. The teaching staff have extensive work experience in state and municipal authorities, some of them are employed in state service offices.
University partners within the educational program. The department cooperates with the Altai Territory Administration and municipalities. The external Department of State and Municipal Management is established under the Barnaul Administration. The leading specialists and senior executives of the Altai Territory authorities and Barnaul municipalities are involved in the educational process and independent assessment of the quality of students’ training. There is an on-going cooperation with the research institutes and laboratories of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Alumni’s achievements. D.V. Borovikov, Head of the Information and Analytic Department of Altai Legislative Assembly; V.S. Khimochka, Deputy Chief Executive for Economic Policy of the Barnaul Administration; M.N. Sabyna, Chief Executive of the Administration of Barnaul Central District; E.S. Peregudova, Deputy Head of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property in the Tomsk Region. Alumni are also employed abroad (Canada, France, etc.)
Facilities and resources. All the classrooms are adequately equipped. All the buildings of the university are joined into one fibre-based network, which helps implement the whole range of contemporary educational technologies.
Opportunities for students. The department has double degree diplomas with University Paris II (France) and SolBridge International School of Business (South Korea). Students enrolled in the program can take a language training course at Northeastern University (China). Students participate in academic mobility programs hosted by Narxoz University, Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan) and undergo international internships hosted by Kazakh Humanitarian Juridical Innovative University (Kazakhstan).
Employment prospects. In order to facilitate students’ employment the department cooperates with regional and municipal executive authority bodies. There are agreements on students’ employment signed with the Administration of the Altai Territory and regional executive authorities.