Best Educational Programs: MANAGEMENT
Department of Management
Master’s program

PARAKHINA, Valentina Nikolaevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Professional-public accreditation (2014); the winner of the Russian contest held by the Free Economic Society of Russia and the International Academy of Management; the NCFU diploma in the category of the Best Department in Academic and Methodological Work (NCFU, 2016).
North-Caucasus Federal University offers some more best educational programs in the field of Economics and Management:
MANAGEMENT - Bachelor's program
STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT - Bachelor’s program , Master’s program
BUSINESS INFORMATICS - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
BANKING AND FINANCE - Master’s program
Teaching staff. Seven Doctors of Sciences and 20 Candidates of Sciences (many of them are laureates of the RF Government Award in Education, have certificates of appreciation from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Stavropol Territory, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Stavropol Territory, Head of the Department V. Parakhina is an Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science Promotion).
University partners within the educational program. Sapienza University of Rome and University of Trento (Italy), VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the International Academy of Management and Technology (Germany), Belarusian National Technical University and Belarus State Economic University, the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Within the networking Master’s program the department cooperates with Southern, Siberian, Kazan (Volga) Federal Universities and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia).
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students of the department are winners of Russian and foreign contests of innovative and marketing projects and business plans, business games, contests of graduation projects, interuniversity olympiads.
The graduates are in great demand on the labor market, they build successful careers at various regional companies: theStavrolen chemical enterprise; the Stavropol Dairy Plant; the Arnest chemical plant; internet service providers: Signal, Rostelecom and Energomera Concern; the Escom pharmaceutical enterprise; the Stavropol Territory Government; the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory, and other organizations.
Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the facilities required to offer the students high quality of life and a proper learning environment.
Opportunities for students. The students get their field placement at leading enterprises of the Stavropol Territory. Individual education plans allow students to go on for further studies at the top universities of Russia and the world and participate in academic mobility programs.
Employment prospects. Manager, specialist at an executive office of various enterprises like joint stock companies and private firms, research and production associations, public administration authorities and the social infrastructure of national economy, financial and insurance companies, investment funds.