Best Educational Programs: BANKING AND FINANCE
Department of Banking and Finance
Master’s program

KUNITSYNA, Natalia Nikolaevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Professional-public accreditation (2014).
In 2011, by the decree of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural History, the Department of Banking and Finance was awarded the Golden Department of Russia diploma. In 2013 it won the all-Russian contests of departments and educational programs. In 2014 it won the contests of departments held by the Free Economic Society of Russia.
MANAGEMENT - Bachelor's program, Master's program
STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT - Bachelor’s program , Master’s program
BUSINESS INFORMATICS - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
Teaching staff. Eight Doctors of Sciences and 24 Candidates of Sciences. Six employees of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory and other organizations are also engaged in the educational process.
University partners within the educational program. Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) – implementation of the double degree Corporate Finance program, the University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Trento (Italy), the University of Piraeus (Greece), and other universities, the Central Office of the Stavropol Territory Government, the Committee for Finance and Budget of Stavropol, the Stavropol Administration, and other ministries, government agencies and financial institutions.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students regularly participate in all-Russian and international conferences and exhibitions.
The graduates hold managerial positions at the top companies, business entities, government institutions, banks, financial companies, and are members of the Executive Office of Sberbank of Russia, Mosoblbank, UniCredit Bank.
Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the facilities and resources required to offer its students proper learning opportunities (the research library is one of the best in the Russian Federation).
Opportunities for students. Academic mobility programs, study placement at foreign partner universities, educational internships with field placement in the Stavropol Territory at the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Treasury Department of the Russian Federation, the Directorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
Employment prospects. Accountant, financial expert, transactions officer, bank officer, modern finance specialist, banking specialist, finance and banking manager, analytical expert.