Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Institute of Economics and Management
Master’s program

GORLOV, Sergei Mikhailovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The Institute of Economics and Management of NCFU is included in Top 50 of the university reputation ranking in the field of Economics and Management by the RAEX agency. In 2014, the Master’s programs in this field obtained international professional-public accreditation for six years.
North-Caucasus Federal University offers some more best educational programs in the field of Economics and Management:
MANAGEMENT - Bachelor's program, Master's program
STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT - Bachelor’s program , Master’s program
BUSINESS INFORMATICS - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
BANKING AND FINANCE - Master’s program
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the highly qualified teachers with practical experience in the real sector of economy most having academic degrees and titles. The current heads of organizations are also engaged in the educational process. The teachers participate in contests and grants: support grants of the Russian Federation President for young scientists, the Contest of Scientific Projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, contests of the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, etc.
University partners within the educational program. Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), the University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Trento (Italy), the University of Piraeus (Greece), and other universities. The Master’s program in Company Economics is implemented in the form of networking between Southern, Siberian and Crimean Federal Universities.
Strategic partners: Broker-Center, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, the Audit Chamber of the Stavropol Territory, and other corporations, public and executive authorities.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Master students are prize winners of international, national and regional olympiads, contests, international student forums, research conferences.
Alumni are in great demand at the labor market. Most of them (over 80%) are successfully employed.
Facilities and resources. The classrooms are equipped for classes of different types, there are specialized learning laboratories: Mini-Bank, Mini-Exchange, Economic Security, as well as an electronic shooting gallery.
The research library of NCFU is one of the best libraries in the Russian Federation and contains more than 2.5 million items. The NCFU staff develop their own information resources in the form of electronic study courses.
Opportunities for students. An individual approach to each student allows them to get more profound knowledge. Thanks to individual education plans, students can pursue their studies at the top Russian and foreign universities and participate in academic mobility programs.
Employment prospects. Economist, financial manager, accountant, tax inspector, financial analyst, financial consultant, auditor, financial controller, crisis manager, etc.