Department of “Pedagogics and Psychology”
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

LYUSEV, Valery Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The study programme is distinguished by the combination of humanitarian and technical disciplines, creative component of the educational process and scientific approach to training. This allowed PenzSTU to become a leader in training of teachers for vocational education in the fields of IT, economics and service.
A Psychological laboratory and the classrooms of Pedagogics and Methodology areˇ available. The educational process involves technologies of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, project methods and case-technologies; computer-aided textbooks are widely used.
Teaching staff. The staff of the Major Department consists of experienced teachers, psychologists, sociologists and methodologists; 76% of the staff have academic degrees and titles, including 10% of Doctors of Sciences. High level of research work of the Department is evidenced by the grants of the Russian Humanities Research Foundation (2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014). The results of research have been published in 20 monographs and more than 100 papers in scientific journals including foreign journals and the journals from the list of the HAC of the RF.
Competitiveness of students. At present, students of the programme contribute greatly to research, academic and public life of the HEI. More than 80% of them receive only “good” and “excellent” marks. Since 2008, the student team of this area of training has been one of the leaders in the National student Olympiad in Vocational Education and Training and has taken 1–3 places in personal and team competitions.
The most capable students are holders of the RF Government and President grants, theHead of Penza Administration and the RF President Award for the support of talented youth.
Interaction with employers. Having obtained organizational skills, active students rep-resent the HEI in public self-government bodies of the city and regional administration and head the creative subdivisions of PenzSTU.
Graduates work as teachers and methodologists at the educational institutions, as economists, accountants, managers, software engineers at such enterprises as JSC “Penzkhimmash”, FSUE “PochtaRossii”, JSC “SberbankRossii”,