Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Faculty of Pedagogics and Psychology
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

KHAKUNOVA, Fatima Pshimafovna
HEI’s image.
Programme presentation. The programme is aimed at the modernization of peda-gogical education and the development of IT and provides training of personnel tomeet the need of society in responsible, initiative, independent and competitive teachers. The Faculty has the Departments of Pedagogics and Pedagogical Technologies; Pedagogical Psychology; Russian Language and Teaching Methodology; Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Teaching Methodology.
The Department of Pedagogical Psychology has established the Youth Workshop of Psychological Counselling. The Faculty repeatedly obtained grants within the project “Development Programme of Student Unions of ASU”. The main areas of the activity of the Youth Workshop are psychological diagnostics and counselling, psychological correction, trainings, volunteering, telephone counselling service, etc.
The Pedagogical Education program is also offered by the Institute of Physical Education and Judo, the Institute of Arts and the Faculty of Natural Science.
Teaching staff. The educational process is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff, which does research into the following areas: “Development of effective training process in educational institutions: methodological, psychological and didactic foundations” and “Professional and personal formation of the teaching staff in higher school”. The teaching staff includes six Doctors and 38 Candidates of Sciences, many of them are practicing psychologists.
Competitiveness of students. Graduates in the given study programme are demanded in the sphere of education and research both in the
Interaction with employers. The Faculty cooperates with educational institutions ofˇ the
Highly qualified teachers-practitioners regularly conduct presentations and master-classes for future graduates in educational institutions.