Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Faculty of History
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

BULANKOV, Vasiliy Valerievich
HEI’s image. At present, the Faculty of History of KSPU is a powerful research and educational subdivision with no analogues in Siberia in terms of the level of teaching staff and the depth of research in the sphere of humanities (archeology and history of Siberia, the Yenisey region, countries of Europe, America and Asia, full range of political science disciplines and religious studies). Nowadays the Faculty is the centre which provides the
Programme presentation. Training is carried out within the profile “Social Science and Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” with the opportunity to continue education in the Master’s programme.
Students are provided with education and scientific literature and have access to e-learning resources. The educational process involves interactive forms of training.
As of today, the Faculty of History has a number of subdivisions which perform research, educational, information and sports activity. Among them there is
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University also offers other best educational programs:
Pedagogical Education (Primary Education)
Psychological and Pedagogical Education
Teaching staff. About 80% of the teachers have academic degrees. The teaching is carried out by the specialists who are known in their field both in
Competitiveness of students. The average grade of the applicants in the Unified State Exam is high. For instance, in 2013 the passing grade for state-funded places was 207. The students of the Faculty participate actively in contests and regional, national and international Olympiads.
Interaction with employers. The study programme was developed involving the leading regional specialists in history, religious science, social science, museology and culture. Every year these specialists are also members of the State Final Attestation commission and the partners in research.