Best Educational Programs: PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION
Department of Theory and Methodology of Life Safety
Bachelor’s programme

FILANKOVSKIY, Vitaliy Vladimirovich
Head of the Programme
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The educational programme prepares the graduates for addressing the relevant issues in the field of life saving, for using different methods of protection against possible conse-quences of accidents, disasters, natural disasters, for conducting research for planning and adjustment of professional activity processes.
Programme presentation. Material and technical facilities of the University and the Faculty of Physical Education of NCFU comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Thus, the educational process is provided with the necessary set of licensed software for conducing classes: lectures, practical and laboratory work, consultations, etc. The classrooms are equipped with up-to-date multimedia facilities; practical and laboratory classes are conducted in computer classrooms, specialized rooms, and a sports and health complex. Extracurricular work of students is provided with relevant methodological support.
North-Caucasus Federal University also offers Bachelor's and Master's programs in Psychology and Teacher Training.
Teaching staff. The educational process is carried out by qualified teaching staff, which includes about 5% of employers. Over 18% teachers have a degree of Doctor of Sciences and the academic title of professor. 98% of teachers in the profile disciplines have academic degrees. All teachers of the professional cycle have basic education and/or an academic degree, which corresponds to the profile of the taught discipline.
Competitiveness of students. Every year students are trained to participate in the professional contest “The Teacher of the Year” in the nomination “Step into the profession”. Future teachers have repeatedly become winners of this prestigious competition. Also students successfully take part in the competitions of research works, in the annual national forum “Mashuk” and other youth activities.
Interaction with employers. Within the cooperation agreements with employers the Major Department of Theory and Methodology of Life Safety regularly deals with the is-sues of career development of its graduates.