Business Informatics in Industrial University of Tyumen
Business Informatics
Institute of Service Management and Industry, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematics
Bachelor's program

BARBAKOV Oleg Mikhailovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Students are winners of international and all-Russian contests of scientific papers ("University Stars" – 2017, 2018, "Interclover – 2018," the All-Russian contest "Smart City & IoT Hackathon – 2018") and the international contest of graduation theses. They actively participate and win prizes in regional and all-Russian olympiads and interuniversity conferences. The teachers of the department are authors of scientific papers and are laureates of the all-Russian contest for the best scholarly book, have certificates of state registration of computer programs.
In cooperation with Zapsibkombank the department established the Center for Innovative Technology, a platform which will allow students to develop a business idea and implement a startup studying at the university. Business projects must focus on IT technologies.
Teaching staff. The teachers are regularly involved in research and methodological activities. The academic degree/title holders rate is at least 70%. Ten percent of the teachers have a degree of Doctor of Sciences and/or a title of Professor. The top executives and representatives of the business community are also engaged in the program implementation.
Facilities and resources. Lecture halls are equipped with computers with installed software (MS Office Professional), interactive boards, projectors. There are nine computer classrooms and a laboratory of system analysis and programming. There is also a classroom for online conferences and video lectures.
Research. The promising research areas include the following: state-of-the-art information technologies: Big Data, Internet of things, Data Mining, cloud technologies, IT in education, Smart City, Data Science, cybersecurity, virtual and augmented reality. The department organized two student scientific circles.
Education. Lectures and seminars are given using innovating methods including computer simulations, solving practical and case problems developed based on the practices of IТ management in Russian and international organizations. The leading specialists in the field of IТ management give master classes and open lectures.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Event advertising agency, the Gidroizolyatsia waterproofing company, the Young Siberia Football Club, individual enterpreneur S.V. Andreeva (Chas Pik), the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tyumen of the Tyumen Region, Zapsibkombank, the Avtograd Garant car repair and maintenance company, the Tyumen-Soft software company, Unison Capital, the E-Soft software company, the Cascade-PRO business consulting company, etc.
Competitive advantages. This program is a unique multidisciplinary program that covers management and economic and IТ sciences. All graduates find employment thanks to a high level of their professional competence.