Best Educational Programs: CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Medical Psychology Faculty
Specialist’s program

ZAKHAROVA, Elena Vladimirovna
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education and the National Centre for Public Accreditation recognized the program as one of the best in the framework of the annual project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Teaching staff. Over 20 departments and 47 teaching staff are involved in the program delivery. The academic personnel comprise six Professors, 23 Associate Professors, 18 Assistants. Eighty-nine percent of the teaching staff hold academic degrees. The average age of personnel is 41 years old. The Laboratory of Social and Psychological Research and the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology effectively operate at the faculty.
University partners within the educational program. The key partners of the faculty are
Students’ achievements. The faculty marked its 25th anniversary in 2016. During this period the faculty trained over 600 graduate students, over 20 Candidate’s and 2 Doctor’s dissertations were defended. All the students are involved in research work, they take an active part in professional contests and olympiads. The program alumni are employed in
Facilities and resources. Students are accommodated at four dormitories, have two gyms, sports halls, two all-season sports grounds, a catering center, the Laboratory of Social and Psychological Research, the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, computer classrooms and many other facilities at their disposal.
Opportunities for students. Within the course of studies students do eight different practical training courses. Supervising is an essential component of theoretical and practical training of future professionals. Practical training courses are delivered at healthcare and educational institutions, social welfare institutions and the units of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Samara Region.
Employment prospects. Clinical psychologist, applied medical psychologist, teacher of psychology. The education acquired provides students with sufficient knowledge and skills in all the areas of medicine, rehabilitation, education, system for serving sentences, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.