Best Educational Programs: CUSTOMS PROCEDURES
Department of Economic Theory and World Economics
Specialist’s program

KRAVCHENKO, Aleksandr Viktorovich
Program Director
Awards and achievements of the educational program. International professional-public accreditation (2016), the 100 Best Goods of Russia Award (2009).
North-Caucasus Federal University also offers best educational programs in Advertising and Public Relations:
Bachelor's program, Master's program
Teaching staff. Training is provided by teachers with wide scientific, teaching and practical experience, who annually undertake their work placement at customs authorities and organizations implementing foreign academic affairs. The teaching staff include four Doctors of Sciences and 25 Candidates of Sciences. The employees of customs authorities and large production and business enterprises that carry out foreign trade activity are engaged in the educational process.
University partners within the educational program. The Federal Customs Service of Russia, regional customs authorities, the MineralnyeVody and
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Over 70% of graduates are annually employed by customs authorities and organizations of international trade. NCFU hosts the regional stage of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Customs Procedures under the supervision of Professor A.V. Kravchenko. Then the winners participate in the final stage of this Olympiad in Lyubertsy. In 2016 the students won the interregional contest for the best scientific paper of university students of the North-Caucasus Federal District in the field of Social Studies.
The student of the Customs Procedures program was awarded the title of Miss Studentship of the Stavropol Territory 2017.
Facilities and resources. NCFU has specialized classrooms and laboratories with required software: the customs inspection laboratory and the laboratory of merchandising and examination of goods equipped with required customs inspection tools, computer classrooms with the specialized Alta-Soft professional software.
Opportunities for students. Students undertake their internship at the MineralnyeVody and
Employment prospects. Employee or government officer at customs authorities, enterprise declarant, expert in customs registration of customs representatives, customs laboratory expert, specialist at currency transactions department, accountant and customs payments controller at financial institutions, international trade specialist.