Best Educational Programs: APPLIED INFORMATICS
Department “Applied Informatics”
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

REMONTOV, Andrey Petrovich
Head of the Department
HEI’s image. PenzSTU is one of the leading regional HEIs in training specialists for IT industry, education process informatization and positioning of IT in youth environment.
Programme presentation. The educational programme in the specialization “Applied
Informatics in Economics” allows students to obtain skills in creation, implementation, sup-port or use of information systems for solving industrial and economic problems.
The Major Department includes the laboratory of IT in education, the main area of which is the development of electronic manuals, implementation of modern information technologies in educational process and training of qualified specialists in the given field.
Besides Bachelors’ and Masters’ training, the education of postgraduates is carried out in “Management in Social and Economic Systems”. Research and development of automated learning systems, research of the methods of coding and assessment of the quality of information and other areas are especially demanded.
Teaching staff. The Department annually does the international research and technical conference “Information Resources and Systems in Economics, Science and Society”, which is organized by the representatives of the national society “Znanie”, the
Competitiveness of students. The area of training is the first in the HEI for attracting applicants with high points in the Unified State Exam. Serious competition and good motivation ensure students’ victories in various contests, Olympiads and conferences, such as the national show-contest of scientific and technical creativity of university students “
The graduates apply professional-oriented information systems in banking and insurance business, taxation, accounting and audit, marketing and advertising, which makes them demanded specialists in the development and maintenance of applied software of economic information systems.