Nursing Care in Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
Bachelor’s program
Institute of Nursing Care
Tel. + 7 8452 49-08-84
Achievements. The program successfully underwent professional-public accreditation carried out by the Medical League of Russia, which is confirmed by Certificate №034/19 of December 20, 2019.
Teaching staff. The educational process is implemented at 27 departments covering 51 disciplines, five educational internships and six work placements. Students are trained by 75 teachers, including 58 Candidates or Doctors of Sciences (77%) and eight employees from among heads and employees of specialized enterprises and organizations.
Facilities and resources include laboratory equipment, computer classrooms of the departments, the university Internet center, a computer hall of the university research library with internet access. All students are provided with study materials and access to the Student's Consultant electronic library system and individual access to the university's electronic educational portal that contains key teaching and learning materials. Classrooms are equipped with training simulators, sets of tests and case problems related to practical classes.
Research is conducted in the following areas: improvement of nursing care specialists’ activity as one of the development areas of healthcare of the Russian Federation; health-saving practices of mid-level health providers in high-risk wards.
Education. Students do practical training using simulation technologies, which allows graduates to perform their duties in the workplace confidently. Elements of distance learning technologies, case technologies, business games, modern electronic resources are widely used. There is an active educational portal. Work placement is undertaken at clinical facilities of SSMU that have specialized divisions and at medical institutions of Saratov that are facilities of the university's clinical departments.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with Samara State Medical University, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
Competitive advantages. The program complies with the international training standard for mid-level health providers. The staff has an opportunity to carry out teaching and research activities.
Assistance and support for international students and teachers. The tutorial support for foreign students in planning and coordination of their learning, cognitive, working and aesthetic activity is provided by the Institute of Nursing Care: +7 8452 49-08-84,