Department of Advertising and Public Relations
Bachelor’s program

EZHOVA, Elena Nikolaevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Professional-public accreditation (2017). The department won the RF Ministry of Education and Science grant in
North-Caucasus Federal University also offers a Specialist’s program in Customs Procedures.
Teaching staff. Training is provided by Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, representatives of business community. The department employs 20 highly qualified teachers. The academic degree holders rate is 74%. The average age is 34.
University partners within the educational program. Media offices of the Stavropol Ministries, the Directorate for Information Policy, the Media Office of the Stavropol Government Office, marketing and advertising agencies (Front Line, Dali Digital, 101 Mix, Vist-Media), TV and radio companies (the Stavropolye State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, 26th Region, STV), corporate communications management (Sberbank, Vimpelcom-Communications, Megafon).
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. In 2013 the members of the Mediavolna and the Teledesant student associations won the grant supporting the student associations’ activity, which allowed them to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for creating advertising products. Students win international, all-Russian, territorial advertising contests and festivals: “Telezachot” (the laureate diploma and certificates for free education at the Academy of Media Industry); “Advertising Gallery” (the first place in the category of Audio Advertising, the winner diploma in the category of Social Video Advertising); “PUZZLE” (1st place in the category of Research Project); “Our Time” (the first place in the category of Audio Advertising).
Facilities and resources. NCFU has a well-developed infrastructure: 21 academic buildings, a research library, five dormitories, a healthcare center. Students can receive qualified psychological support, legal and social assistance, get bursaries.
Opportunities for students. Individual education plans, extensive internship opportunities at specialized organizations, academic mobility (participation in research conferences, professional contests and festivals, public lectures of the leading Russian and foreign scholars). Graduates can pursue a Master’s degree and postgraduate studies.
Employment prospects. Brand manager, internet marketing specialist, event manager, specialist at a department of advertising and PR, PR specialist at business and government agencies and non-governmental organizations, copywriter, BTL-manager.