State and Municipal Management in State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Bachelor’s program


Faculty of History, Management and Service


Aleksandr NIKANDROV,



Tel. +7 496 610-15-35



Awards and achievements. The program is listed among Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia. The university’s participation in the Federal Internet Exam for Bachelor programs in State and Municipal Management in 2016-2020 resulted in four first, seven second and ten third place certificates.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by staff holding two PhDs Habil. and five PhDs degrees, as well as three industry experts from state and municipal institutions. The achievements of the staff include victories in the All-Russian contest for the best scholarly book and in the contest for the "Golden Names of Higher School."

Facilities and resources. The university is well resourced for the educational process with students having access to a media hall and computer classrooms.

Research. Teachers conduct research on "Power and Society: Foundations of Interaction" which tracks the evolution of interactions between state authorities and public institutions both from a historical perspective and also in the current social context.

Education. During classroom studies teachers use problem-based learning strategies including case studies and project seminars.

Strategic partners. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies has strong relationships with Lomonosov Moscow State University, the State University of Management and the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The university is also actively developing relationships with the universities in Belarus, Hungary, and Poland.

International projects and programs. Within the academic exchange program students can take a semester of study at István Széchenyi University (Györ, Hungary), Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) and Harbin Normal University (China).

Competitive advantages. The faculty applies a practical approach to teaching with prospective civil service employees visiting various institutions including the State Duma, the Federation Council, and the Moscow Region Duma to meet lawmakers. Students undertake internships at the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Moscow Regional Government, and other municipal administration bodies. Students participate in all-Russian and regional contests and have received numerous awards including: Moscow Region Governor award (E. Sukhoruchenkova in 2014, M. Skotnikov in 2015, 2016, 2018); and laureate of the Eventiada Awards international communication project contest (M. Skotnikov in 2016).

Assistance and support for international students and teachers are provided by the assistant to the Rector for International Affairs (tel. +7 963-625-66-01) and the head of the Russian Language Testing Center for International Visitors (tel. +7 917-540-47-32).

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