Department of Applied Mathematics
Bachelor’s programme

TIMOFEEV, Vladimir Semenovich
Programme presentation. This educational programme provides education and training of specialists possessing wide and profound knowledge, which corresponds to the current state in the sphere of IT-technologies.
The study process uses 16 computational nodes, resources of terminal classrooms, sup-plied with modern software and equipment, and the Research Centre “Statistical technologies”. Modern educational technologies connected with the use of electronic and methodological complexes and project education are being developed and implemented.
Novosibirsk State Technical University offers two more best educational programs in the field of Physical and Mathematical Sciences:
PHYSICS - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. The teaching staff consists of 7 Doctors of Science, 20 Candidates of Science, 4 part-time highly professional practitioners working in relevant IT companies. Teachers have Oracle certification and certificates proving proficiency in high-level programming languages and operating systems management. They maintain scientific contacts with Russian (The Togliatti State University, The Siberian State Aerospace University, The Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, The Saint Petersburg State University) and foreign HEIs (University of Vienna, Austria; Universitè Victor Segalen Bordeaux, France).
Competitiveness of students. The average grade of applicants enrolled in the 1st year of study is not lower than 210 points. In the course of education students participate in the International Olympiad of Network Technologies, carry out research activities in the framework of grant support of different levels.
Interaction with employers. Agreements on students’ apprenticeship are concluded with different IT companies of the region. Approximately half of the graduate projects are commissioned by enterprises and are implemented in the working process.
The annual employment rate of graduates is 100%. They are in high demand not only in regional companies developing and in using IT technologies but also abroad – they work within their specialty in relevant organizations and research centres of USA, Israel, EU and Southeast Asia countries. Some graduates are part of the top management of famous IT companies of Novosibirsk, e.g. Novosibirsk subdivision of Macte! Labs, Digital Sparta Company. The main employers for students are the largest international and Russian companies such as ITConstruct, Centre of Financial Technologies, MegaFon and Yandex.