Best Educational Programs: PHYSICS
Institute of Mathematics and Sciences
Bachelor’s programme

AGIBOVA, Irina Markovna
Programme presentation. The mission of this educational programme is to develop students’ personal qualities as well as their cultural, generic and professional competences in compliance with the educational standard. The Bachelor programme is implemented in two profiles: “Physics of the Earth and Planets” and “Physics of Condensed State”, the contents of which includes scientific achievements of the following research schools: “Physics of Magnetic Nanosystems” and “Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics”, in the scientific field “Physics of Optical Phenomena“ and of the Research Experimental Centre “Geophysics and Astrophysics”. The material and technological laboratory facilities of the Institute ofˇ Mathematics and Science, the University Observatory, the Digital Meteorological Station provide students with opportunities to learn the natural laws from “the atom to the Universe”.
The educational process employs various innovative technologies. All students have access to electronic educational resources, and the library collection of the NCFU. The international cooperation with the leading universities of the world is still developing. The graduates of this programme benefit from the opportunity to continue their education taking a Master’s course in “Physics” (such Master programmes as “Physics of Substance Condensed State”, “Physics of Atmosphere and Near-Earth Space”) and “Pedagogical Education“ (“Physics Education“).
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Teaching staff. Over 90% of the teachers have academic degrees. The acting executive officers and employees of profile enterprises take an active part in the educational process. Many teachers of the Institute have awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of StavroploskyKrai.
Competitiveness of students. The fundamental character and diversity of training, the ability of creative thinking and implementation of ideas in the form of certain technical solutions act as a competitive advantage of the Programme’s graduates. Students succeed in research activity; take part in professional contests, academic competitions of different levels, in national and international conferences. Every year a number of students are awarded some prestigious scholarships.
Interaction with employers. This educational Programme is approved by the employers of the region. The cooperation of graduate departments with the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science, LLC “KavkazTransGas”, the Hydrometeorological Centre of StavroplskyKrai, CJSC “MonoKristall RPF” and the Signal Plant gives students an opportunity to have industrial research and development intern-ships with subsequent employment.