HED magazine № 1 (7) 2021
Read in this issue about the nuances of obtaining a visa, registering for migration and obtaining health insurance, we have prepared a detailed guide with an analysis of problem situations.
Articles of the issue

№ 1 (7) 2021
Baikal State University. Adaptation
Education at the Baikal State University is a basis for employment at top companies with competitive salaries.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Adaptation
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is one of the first engineering universities in Russia. The only Institute of Industrial and Urban Transport in the country operates on the basis of the university.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Entry To Russia During The COVID-19 Pandemic
By order of the Government of the Russian Federation as of the end of March 2021, international students, PhD students, medical residents, participants of preparatory courses are allowed to return to Russia to continue their studies.

№ 1 (7) 2021
How to get migration registration in Russia
For legal residence in Russia, international applicants or students must fill out a migration card and register at their place of stay. Foreign citizens can get the migration registration only at their place of actual residence.

№ 1 (7) 2021
How To Get The Russian Student Visa
Students from visa countries should prefer to apply for a short-term student visa. You can have some other non-student visa only while taking entrance exams, but you will have to leave Russia and reenter with a student visa to be enrolled.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Irkutsk National Research Technical University. Adaptation
Apply to Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU). Not only will you gain profound knowledge in your field, but you can also acquire necessary hard and soft skills that will give you an edge in your job search.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Learning Russian
Russian is spoken not only in Russia. It is the sixth most popular language in the world and the eighth most native speaker. In total, about 270 million people speak Russian in the world.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University. Acquaintance
Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University is a regional center for social sciences, pedagogy, culture, and humanities. It trains teachers of various subjects.

№ 1 (7) 2021
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Enrollment Campaign
TPU is one of the engineering education leaders in Russia, a renowned center for research and training world-class specialists in the nuclear and hydrogen power industry, oil and gas production and transportation, IT and etc.

№ 1 (7) 2021
National University of Oil and Gas. Acquaintance
Gubkin University is the leading oil and gas institution of higher education in Russia. It successfully trains top specialists for the oil and gas industry in the fields of the international energy business, law and economics.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Enrollment Campaign
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is a leading Russian technical university. More than 8,500 foreign students from 120 countries study at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Pyatigorsk State University. Acquaintance
PSU trains linguists, philologists, and specialists who have a good command of foreign languages and cross-cultural communication skills in various areas.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Registration rules about the place of stay for foreign students
The procedures for migration registration and registration at the place of residence can have their specific features and can be carried out at the different departments, depending on the university. Now let us see how to resolve the problems.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Acquaintance
SPbGASU, founded in 1832, is a major educational and scientific center, the oldest Russian university for architecture and civil engineering with rich history and traditions.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University. Enrollment Campaign
SPbSAU is a flagship industry-specific university in the Northwestern Federal District, the international research and education center, one of the agricultural education leaders in Russia.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. Acquaintance
SPbSUITD is a leading university for arts and technology in Russia. It is located in the very heart of Saint Petersburg, near Palace Square, the State Hermitage Museum, and Nevsky Avenue.

№ 1 (7) 2021
South Ural State University. Acquaintance
SMART-university that unites Europe and Asia. Students get education in the field of engineering, physics and mathematics, and humanities, develop advanced projects in engineering, supercomputing, biotechnology, culture.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Southern Federal University. Enrollment Campaign
Southern Federal University boasts a well-developed infrastructure for everyday life, studies, recreation, development of sports and art talents. Most of SFedU faculties and institutes are located in Rostov-on-Don.

№ 1 (7) 2021
The Rules To Avoid Deportation
Let us see how to resolve the problems with the assistance of competent staff members from VlSU named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and Siberian Federal University.

№ 1 (7) 2021
Vyatka State University. Acquaintance
VyatSU is a classical multidisciplinary university that trains specialists in engineering and humanities. Among its graduates are successful experts in all fields, from history and law to civil engineering and information technology.