Best Educational Programs: BUSINESS INFORMATICS
Faculty of Information Systems
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

SARKAROV, Tadzhydyn Ekberovich
Programme presentation. Business Informatics is one of the youngest and promising specialties of modern higher education, a new sphere of professional activity which is formed at the confluence of economics, management, information and communications technologies.
The Faculty of Information Systems of the
Teaching staff. The educational process is provided by highly-qualified teaching staff. The teachers of the Faculty participate in research conferences organized at the regional, national and international levels. Over 60 teachers including three professors, one Doctor of Science, 32 Candidates of Science and 12 assistant professors are involved in the implementation of the educational programme.
Competitiveness of students. Graduates who completed their courses in this programme possess broad opportunities for career development and employment in the enterprises of different economic sectors of the country. They are in-demand in state and private enterprises, research design and project organizations as well as in state and municipal administrative bodies and social infrastructure of the national economy.
Interaction with employers. Education is carried out in cooperation with such enterprises and authorities of the republic as the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Dagestan, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Dagestan, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Dagestan, the Institute of Social and Economic Research of Dagestan Scientific Centre of RF, the Financial and Economic administra-tion of towns and regions, LLC “Sigma”, CJSC “Dagestanregiongas”, LLC “Kvantum”, JSC “Aviaagregat”, LLC “”, LLC “Krepost Story”, the Republican State Broadcasting Company “Dagestan” and others.