Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Faculty of Accounting
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

MAKARENKO,Elena Nikolaevna
Programme presentation. The programme is aimed at developing students’ social and personal qualities, general and professional competencies in order to later use them in economic, analytical, research, organizational, managerial and teaching activities. The state-of-the-art material and technical resources help achieve this goal. The University is active in the development of bilateral partnerships with international HEIs.
There are currently 25 agreements on academic and research cooperation with higher education institutions of
Teaching staff. The teachers develop and promote their research interests within the following research schools: “Institutional transformations in post-crisis economy”, “Financial global studies”, “Concept of strategic accounting analysis and audit in commercial organizations” and others. The university regularly gets grants for the educational activities from national and international organizations. The teachers take part in academic mobility and improve their qualification skills and knowledge at the educational institutions of
Competitiveness of students. In 2013, the students went on exchange visits the University of Applied Sciences of Bochum (
Besides the academic scholarship some students get scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, Government of Rostov Region, Foundation “Education and Science of the South Federal District”, JSC Commercial Bank “Vozrozhdenie”.
Interaction with employers. In cooperation with employers new classrooms have been equipped with state-of-the art laboratory equipment that allow to educate students on a more advanced level. These are the classroom of the Department of the Federal Tax Service of Rostovskaya region, JSB “Sberbank of Russia”, JSC Commercial Bank “Centre-Invest”.