Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Faculty of Accounting and Finance
Faculty of Economics
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

KOSTYUKOVA, Elena Ivanovna
Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance
Programme presentation. The training of economists in the HEI has been carried out since 1961, and since then over 20 000 students have graduated. Material and technical facilities include two academic buildings, 7 innovative laboratories (“Authorized Centre of Certification of “
Teaching staff. At the Faculty there are 85 teachers including 55 Candidates and 22ˇ Doctors of Sciences. 90% of staff have academic degrees and titles, 20% are practitioners. The delivery of two projects TEMPUS-TACIS “Internationalization of Economic Education in SSAU” and “Academic Network for Information and Consulting Activity inthe Russian Federation” allowed most of the teachers to undergo internships in Russian and foreign HEIs.
Competitiveness of students. The average passing grade of applicants in the Unified State Exam is 76. Students actively participate in the Erasmus Mundus project and foreign agricultural internship programmes LOGO and APOLLO (
Interaction with employers. In cooperation with employers the HEI carries out re-search and practical conferences, seminars, joint classes, placement of students for work experience and internships and delivers professional development programmes.