Best Educational Programs: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Institute of Economics and Management
Master’s programme

SHELKOPLYASOVA, Galina Semyonovna
Programme presentation. The Master’s degree programme in “Public Administration” is aimed at training specialists, who are capable of providing organization and effective activity of public authorities with regard to the requirements of the Russian legislation and using innovative management techniques.
Material and technical facilities of the programme fully meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards. Each student is provided with educational literature and has access to e-learning resources of the Institute and the University. Research work is carried out within the departmental research school “Modern Problems of Theory and Practice of Organization Management”.
Teaching staff. About 95% of the teachers who deliver the educational programme have academic degrees and titles; 18% of them are Doctors of Sciences.
The average age of the staff is 42. Many teachers have state awards, honorary titles and diplomas of the Russian Government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Competitiveness of students. Students in this area of training take an active part in various profile contests and win awards and diplomas. During the period of training they master general cultural, general professional and professional competencies, which allow conducting research, production and pedagogical activity and performing work on Russian and international grants. The programme gives students an opportunity to expand career prospects and to take a rightful place in both professional field and public life of the region and
Interaction with employers. The educational programme has received expert evaluation and positive reviews of the employers of the North-Caucasus Federal District. The regional employers play an important part in the delivery of the educational programme and in the activity of the State Attestation Commissions. In cooperation with the Government and the Ministries of the