Best Educational Programs: ECONOMICS
Faculty of Economics and Financing
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

DENISOV, Mikhail Yurievich
Programme presentation. In the contemporary economic environment the qualified economists able to generate innovative ideas, apply cutting-edge technologies and make well-grounded managerial decisions are demanded on the labour market. Specialists possessing a set of skills and competencies are trained at Rostov State University of Economics. Active and interactive innovative teaching methods and technologies (case-studies, role playing games), e-learning including video lectures, video conferences, study material online depository are integrated into the study process.
The study programme scored high in public accreditation carried out by the Central Bank of the
Teaching staff. There are 39 Doctors of Sciences and 111 Candidates of Economic Sciences teaching at the Faculty. The University has successfully integrated into the international and Russian educational environment through the academic mobility of the teaching staff. Thus, the teachers have had training at the
Competitiveness of students. All graduates from Rostov State University of Economics have the right to obtain European Diploma Supplement developed in accordance with the
There are new joint study programmes with the University of Applied Sciences of Bochum (
Interaction with employers. It is within the strategic partnership development that the employers are involved in the organization of learning and research processes. The largest national and international companies and enterprises initiate and participate in conferences, seminars and round table discussions. These are JSC “Rostvertol”, JSCˇ “Donskoytabak”, JSC “YugRusi”, JSC Meat factoryˇ “TAVR”, LLC Combine Plant “Rostselmash”, JSC “Yugavia”, JSC “Bank of Russia”, Vnesheconombank, etc.