Best Educational Programs: MANAGEMENT
Engineering and Economic Faculty
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

GASANOVA, Naida Mukhudadaevna
Programme presentation. A manager is one of the main and in-demand professions in modern society. The sphere of their competences includes management of modern high-quality production, development and implementation of managerial decisions in the context of the current business situation, creation of a new scientific, methodological and organizational management basis under the conditions of integration and innovative development of economy. Students willing to go into research may continue education in the Mater’s programmes and Postgraduate programmes at the University.
Engineering and Economic Faculty of the University has in place modern material and technical resources including 4 computer classrooms, a language room, a laboratory for economic studies of the drilling process in oil and gas industry, interactive whiteboards, plasma TVs, DVD-players, a sound system and a video library of modern tutorials.
The Faculty maintains close cooperation with other HEIs and research institutions of
Teaching staff. Quality and competitive education is provided by experienced teaching staff. 17 Doctors and 39 Candidates of Sciences including Honoured Scientists of RF and Dagestan, Honoured Economists, Builders, Workers of Oil and Gas Industry of RF and
Competitiveness of students. Every year students successfully represent the University in national Olympiads and competitions in economics, management, marketing and other disciplines. Among prominent students are scholarship holders of RF President, RF Government, Government of the
Interaction with employers. The study process is connected with the practical training of students due to cooperation with high-tech organizations of the region: Lyucom Company, branch of LLC Commercial Bank "DAGDORBANK", JSC “Alphastroy”, CJSC “Atom”, JSC “Aviaagregat”, the Institute of Social and Economic Research of the Dagestan Scientific Centre.
Upon completion of the study, graduates of the Faculty work in enterprises, economic departments of enterprises of different sectors and forms of ownership, engineering companies as well as in institutions of all levels, non-profit organizations and associations.