Best Educational Programs: MANAGEMENT
Institute of Economics and Management
Master’s programme

MAKSIMENKO, Lyudmila Sergeevna
Head of the Programme
Programme presentation. The Master’s degree programmes of NCFU comply with the Federal Standards and allow full-time and part-time (modules, evening classes) forms of training. The range of the programmes of student exchange and networking is expanding.
The objective of the educational programme is extension, consolidation and development of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of practical skills and competencies as well as the experience of team management and production management in the modern conditions of functioning of organizations of different ranges of activity and property forms, which operate on the international arena.
The educational process is carried out using modern pedagogical technologies as well as technical, information and electronic tools and implies learning some disciplines in the 3rd semester in English.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff which delivers the educational process within the Master’s programmes is highly qualified and has academic degrees of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. Teachers-practitioners, representing business structures, are also involved in teaching. An important component of the educational process is the participation of the research and teaching staff in international and foreign conferences (
Competitiveness of students. Applicants enrolling in the given programme are distinguished by the high level of knowledge and fluency in English. The delivery of Master’s programme “International Management” involves expanding student exchange with foreign HEIs and attracting foreign students as well as the availability of international internships and practices and participation in the University, national and foreign contests, grants and conferences.
Interaction with employers. The given Master’s programme is developed taking into account the requests of employers and is approved by them. The programme’s delivery is carried out involving successful regional businessmen both in teaching separate disciplines and in holding joint events such as roundtable discussions, master-classes, trainings and seminars.