Best Educational Programs: MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Economics
Master’s programme

MOROZOVA, Elena Alexeevna
Programme presentation. The Master’s programmes in “Management” focuses on the development of personal qualities of Master’s students, cultural and professional competences based on a combination of scientific, fundamental and professional education and training of specialists. The study is oriented towards training of highly-qualified specialists who are able to carry out institutional and managerial, analytical and research activities in organizations of any form of ownership, in government and self-government authorities, educational and research institutions. Management subjects in different programmes are: “Human Resources Management” – human resources at different levels (from a country to departments of an organization); “Financial Management” – financial assets at different levels and in different types of activity; “Management of Health, Social Protection and Physical Education Organizations” – economic and organizational processes in institutions of the social sphere.
Teaching staff. The study process is provided by the teachers with a great educational, research and management experience; over 80% of them have degrees of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences. Specialists of the real sector of economy and regional government who give lectures and master classes and participate in the work of the State Attestation Commission in thesis defence are also involved in the study process.
The University founded the
Competitiveness of students. The effective work of the scientific school provides a high level of training of Master’s students who possess analytical abilities. Professional competence of graduates is provided by the experience of management activities of not only Russian but also foreign specialists who are involved in the implementation of the curriculum.
Interaction with employers. The advantage of the Master’s programmes “Management” consists in close cooperation of the Faculty with employers. It allows students to have work experience in the leading enterprises of the region and the country and obtain employment.