Best Educational Programs: HEALTH CARE
Faculty of General Medicine
Specialist’s programme

RAKHMATULLINA, Irina Robinzonovna
HEI’s image. The Faculty of General Medicine is the basic subdivision of
Programme presentation. The educational programme “Health Care” underwent an external review according to the standards and criteria, which are developed by the National Centre for Public Accreditation and comply with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ESG-ENQA. The Programme was accredited for the term of 6 years. During last 6 years, the Programme has been included into the list of the “Best Educational Programmes of Innovative Russia”.
The Faculty’s students are provided with the opportunity to participate in research activity. Every student has an access to electronic library system, which contains publications in basic academic disciplines. The Faculty encourages students to participate in non-governmental organizations, creativity and sports clubs, students’ scientific society, and voluntary activities.
In 2003, the University founded its own clinic, which now serves as the main academic base. The University’s Simulation Centre provides an opportunity for practicing skills, which promotes quality development of professional competencies of students.
Teaching staff. The Faculty has formed a progressive professional academic community. The teachers of the 23 Faculty’s departments are leading in quality education and research work. The teaching staff includes correspondent members of the
Interaction with employers. Practical courses in all clinical disciplines are conducted in clinical departments, which are located in the city and republican multifunctional and specialized medical institutions.