Best Educational Programs: DENTISTRY
Faculty of Dentistry
Specialist’s programme

MOROZOVA, Svetlana Ivanovna
HEI’s image. For the last 20 years the faculty of Dentistry of Ryazan State Medical University has trained over 1000 dentists, who work in different regions of Russian and abroad – in Germany, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, India, China.
Programme presentation. Major part of the study process is focused on practical training of dentists. Students do all types of practical training: nursing, assistant dentist-hygienist, assistant general practitioner, assistant surgeon, assistant orthopedist. Practical training is conducted in the Basic dental clinic, profile departments of hospitals and dental clinics of
After graduation some students undertake residency training, after which they are certified for medical practice.
Teaching staff. The Faculty of Dentistry promotes inter-department cooperation in re-search work. In cooperation with the Department of Pharmacognosy, which conducts the course of Botany, the Faculty conducts research in the field of phytoagents application in dentistry.
The teachers of the Department of Dental Therapy and Pediatric Dentistry won the grant of the Foundation for Assistance to Minor Forms of Enterprises in Research and Technology Sphere “U.M.N.I.K” for developing and implementing high-efficiency treatment and prophylactics of dental caries and catarrhal gingivitis in june 2014.
Students present their research works at inter-HEI, national and international conferences and Olympiads in
Interaction with employers. The Centre for the Graduates’ Employability, which has functioned since 2010, carries out informational support and career guidance of students, graduates, employers and partners. The HEI – RyazSMU regularly conducts Employment Fairs with the participation of representatives of medical and preventive treatment institutions of