Best Educational Programs: HEALTH CARE
Faculty of General Medicine
Specialist’s programme

OSADCHIY, Vitaliy Anatolievich
Programme presentation. “Health Care” is one of the most prestigious and demanded areas of higher education. The study programme trains specialists with deep theoretical knowledge and high level of practical skills. The programme gives prospective graduates an opportunity to master a complex of skills allowing them to deliver emergency and elective care at a high level and to form their commitment to continuous professional development.
The educational process uses both traditional and innovative methods including elements of interactive learning and simulation courses. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities as the ability to react quickly in complex clinical cases, composure and humane treatment of patients.
Teaching staff. The staff members of the Departments are leading teachers, who are famous both in
Competitiveness of students. For the last few years, the results of applicants in the Unified State Exam remain high (over 250 points). The Faculty successfully implements a number of international programmes, special place among which belongs to the Russian-German Summer School. It involves exchange of students who have high academic performance and achievements in research. Students also regularly and successfully take part in international and national Olympiads and contests.
Interaction with employers. The educational process involves wide participation of employers including the leading specialists of healthcare authorities of the RF regions, head doctors and heads of the departments of healthcare institutions of the city and region. The vast majority of graduates have guaranteed employment in the hospitals of Tver, Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, Bryansk, Pskov and other regions and abroad.