Best Educational Programs: HEALTH CARE
Faculty of General Medicine
Specialist’s programme

BRYNDIN, Vladimir Vladimirovich
HEI’s image. The Faculty of General Medicine of
Programme presentation. The educational programme “Health Care” is targeted at theoretical and practical training of highly qualified specialists. The Programme is based on the module approach to teaching educational subjects and conducting academic prac-tice in compliance with the State Educational Standard.
The Faculty’s teaching quality is highly appreciated by the heads of health-care institutions within
Teaching staff. Highly qualified teachers represent the teaching staff of the Faculty of General Medicine. Among them 46 Doctors of Medical Sciences, professors, 4 Honoured Doctors of the Russian Federation, an Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation. The Faculty’s employees conduct methodological and research activity, and supervise the students’ medical practical experience.
Competitiveness of students. The students of the Faculty participate in different subject Olympiads, national and international forums, where they can show their best qualities, which are necessary for the future professional activity.
The labour market’s demand for young practitioners in the region two and a half times exceeds the number of graduates. Annually 200-250 young specialists graduate from the Faculty of General Medicine, 7-10% get diplomas with honours.
Interaction with employers. Over the last years, employability of graduates has been 100%. The academy conducts traditional meetings of undergraduates and heads of health authorities and senior physicians of health care centres of the Republic and neighbouring regions.
The Faculty supports the federal programme “The Rural Family Doctor”, which gave 250 graduates the opportunity to start their medical practice in rural districts. The Academy continuously widens opportunities for acquiring new specialty in the framework of further professional education.