HEI’s image. The Faculty of Dentistry of Bashkir State Medical University was founded in 1976 in the context of critical shortage of dentists in the region. During 38 years, the Faculty trained over 3000 specialists, including 48 foreigners.

The Faculty has founded Ufa Scientific Advisory Centre, the International Dentistry Training Centre and the Association of Dentistry Education. As the result of the state attestation, the Faculty of Dentistry was awarded the highest mark – category “B”. In 2011, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry became the best in Russia in methodological work among the departments of dentistry.

Programme presentation. Today the Faculty trains over 600 students. After graduation, students have the opportunity to acquire one of the following specialties: dental therapist, dental surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon and orthopedist.

The academic process involves developing and implementing new technologies, contemporary technical means of training. Material and technical provision is sufficient for training and controlling practical skills of students – homunculi, dummies, sets of radiographs, rich collection of video records and others.

Teaching staff. The Dean of the Faculty – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor S.V. Chuykin – is a member of editorial boards of medical journals: “Pediatric Dentistry and Prophylactics”, “Medical Bulletin of Bashkortostan”, “Maestro of Dentistry”, “Department”, “Problems of Dentistry”, a member of Methodological Task Group in Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Teachers represent different national and international associations, and participate in practical health service. The teaching staff includes two Honoured Doctors of the Russian Federation and five Honoured Doctors of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Competitiveness of students. Graduates of the Faculty work in Bashkortostan, other regions of Russia, CIS states, USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel, New Zealand, India, Egypt, Vietnam. Many of the graduates conduct research work. Graduates of the Faculty become senior doctors, founders and directors of private clinics.

Interaction with employers. Practical training is conducted in the University’s dental clinic, which is supplied with up-to-date equipment. Employers provide opportunities for training in city child and adult health centres, departments of maxillofacial surgery, inpatient hospitals.
