Best Educational Programs: PEDIATRICS
Faculty of Pediatrics
Specialist’s programme

MAKAROV, Igor Valerievich
Programme presentation. At the Faculty of Pediatrics of Samara State Medical University the work is carried out for the improvement of the educational process quality. Traditional and innovative components are balanced with the implementation of new modern techno logies, electronic educational and methodological manuals and text-books. The teaching staff strives to form the humanistic worldview of the future doctors using the main strategy of modern medicine – the holistic approach: “From the organ approach – to a patient – to a human”.
Some of the departments are placed on the base of the best medical pediatric institutions of the city and in the clinics of
Teaching staff. The education and training of future doctors are carried out by professors, assistant professors and assistants of 13 special departments and 55 other departments of the University. The teaching staff has vast professional and pedagogical experience.
The Faculty actively cooperates with the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region. Almost all chief pediatricians are staff members of Samara State Medical University: professor R.A. Galkin is the adviser of the Minister of Health of the Samara Region; professor G.A. Makovetskaya is the Chief Pediatric Nephrologists of the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region and professor L.I. Mazur is the Chief Pediatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region.
Competitiveness of students. Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics obtain scholar-ships of the Governor of the Samara Region, the RF Government and the RF President. Those who are interested in research have an opportunity to study in students research groups at the Departments, to participate in regional, national and international scientific and practical conferences.
Foreign internships and placement for practice are available in
Interaction with employers. The passing grade of the applicants of the Faculty of Pediatrics in the Unified State Exam has been varying from 225 to 232 points for the last three years. Graduates of the Faculty are demanded in all healthcare institutions of the Volga Federal District (Samara Region, Penza Region, Republics of Mordovia and Mari El, etc.) A “brand” of the graduate of Samara State Medical University can be considered as a special distinctive “mark of quality”, which ensures high level of future doctors’ training and allows them to find a job in any part of the country.