Best Educational Programs: PHARMACY
Faculty of Pharmacy
Specialist’s programme

VALEEVA, Lilia Anvarovna
Programme presentation. The Faculty of Pharmacy of Bashkir State Medical University is famous for its scientific works and innovative approach in the field of interdisciplinary research. The faculty conducts research in the sphere of creating new pharmaceutical forms, deriving new biologically active substances based on herbal agents and products of chemical synthesis. The Faculty also conducts pharmacoeconomic analysis.
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the teaching staff, which includes 17 professors and 2 academicians of the
Today the Faculty includes eight departments, four of which are major departments: the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with the Courses of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with the Courses of Biotechnology, the Department of Pharmacognosy with the Course of Botany and Elements of Phytotheraphy, the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacia with the Course of Pharmaceutical and Medical Merchandising. All the Departments are headed by PhDs, professors.
Competitiveness of students. The highest level of training is the basis for students’ advances and achievements in research activity, national and international Olympiads, sports competitions and creativity contests. Best students win scholarships of the President of the
Students’ mobility is rapidly developing at the Faculty. In 2013–2014 ten students of the
Interaction with employers. Students are placed for academic practice in the University’s clinic pharmacies, manufacturing pharmacies of the State Unitary Enterprise “Bashpharmacia”, municipal pharmacies of