Best Educational Programs: PEDIATRICS


Faculty of Pediatrics

Specialist’s programme


GALAKTIONOVA, Marina Yuryevna



Programme presentation. The educational system of the specialty “Pediatrics” is oriented to serious fundamental training practical skills of students in compliance with employers’ requirements.

The innovative approach is implemented via contemporary educational techniques on the basis of a simulation centre. Such an approach allows forming professional competencies of a future doctor, who provides medical care for children.

Teaching staff. The highest quality of training at 6 departments of the Faculty is de-livered by the teaching staff, which includes Correspondent Members of the RussianAcademy of Medical Sciences and the RussianAcademy of Natural History, an Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, laureates of honorary titles and awards of the Russian Federation and KrasnoyarskTerritory. Scientific schools of Professor V.T. Manchuk “Health and Aspects of Adapting Children and Teenagers in Conditions of the Far North and Siberia” and Professor E.I. Prakhin “Predicting Health of Children and Teenagers by Food” are very popular in Russia and CIS countries.

Teachers participate in the programmes “Higher School Teacher”, “Young Teacher’s School” and academic mobility programmes.

Competitiveness of students. The Faculty’s students take part in specialized Olympiads, volunteer at national and international forums, ash-mobs of WABA and Global Vaccine Safety in support of breast feeding. Students of the Faculty present research results at research conferences, master-classes and Young Teacher’s Schools in Moscow (Scientific Centre of Children Health). The Faculty’s students win scholarships of the Academic Council, the President of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the Russian Federation.10-12% of student graduate with honours.

Academic mobility programmes with Japan HEIs (Niigata, Kanazawa) is the major trend of the academic process of the University.

Interaction with employers. Representatives of the Ministry of Health Service of the region, chief paediatricians, and practitioners are enrolled in the academic process. They are included in the State final attestation board and supervise summer working practice; they also cooperate in organizing and conducting research work into pediatrics and paediatric surgery, hold employment fairs and career-guidance meetings with students.

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