Best Educational Programs: DENTISTRY
Institute of Dentistry
Research and Education Centre of Innovative Dentistry
Specialist’s programme

ALYAMOVSKY, Vasily Viktorovich
HEI’s image. The Institute of Dentistry – Research and Education Centre of Innovative Dentistry of KSMU takes part in health care and development of medical culture of society through training and moral education of highly-qualified specialists in dentistry, who work on the basis of the latest achievements and principles of ethics and humanism.
The University’s own dental clinic assures the highest level of the academic process.
Teaching staff. The University’s personnel capacity is the keystone of success. 71% of the teaching staff has scientific degrees, 80% has the highest medical category. Theˇ teaching staff includes Honoured doctors of RF, Experts of health service, a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, an academician of the International academy of shape memory implants, an academician of the International academy of inventions. The University’s teachers participate in the activity of national and regional non-state professional associations of dentists; they are members of the board of directors of the Russian Association of Dentists.
Competitiveness of students. The demand for the Programmes graduates is evidenced by applicants’ competition – 14.85 people per 1 place. The passing grade according to the results of the state examination is 243; the average grade is 266.
Students successfully participate in research activity. The University annually holds re-search and practice conferences, where young researchers present their works. Based on the results of the conference the University publishes a collection of research works. The Programme’s students take part in national and interregional Olympiads in dentistry. Annually 5-10% of the Programme’s students graduate with honours. Students of the Programme are winners of scholarships of the RF President and the RF Government.
Interaction with employers. The University continuously monitors students’ academic results. The traditional vacancy fair promotes graduates’ employability. The Ministry ofˇ health service of the region and representatives of practicing medical professionals participate in the State final attestation of graduates, regularly conducts career-guidance meetings with students. Practical classes in clinical disciplines are held in the city’s best clinics.