Best Educational Programs: PHARMACY
Faculty of Pharmacy
Specialist’s programme

PETRUKHINA, Irina Konstantinovna
Programme presentation. The Faculty has adequate and sufficient educational resources to ensure conducting all kinds of disciplinary and interdisciplinary education and training, laboratory and practical work and research, for the organization of the educational process in the basic educational programme "Pharmacia".
The material and technical resources of the Faculty include four specially equipped lecture classrooms, a computer Internet class, five multimedia classrooms equipped with demonstration complexes and 20 specialized laboratories and classrooms. The Faculty has in place up-to-date high-performance equipment: liquid chromatograph “Milikhrom-
Teaching staff. Teaching the academic disciplines of professional cycle is carried out by 19 Doctors of Sciences, professors; 35 Candidates of Sciences, assistant professors. The average age of the teaching staff at special departments of the Faculty is 45.
Competitiveness of students. The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy are the most prepared and motivated graduates of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums as well as of sec-ondary special educational institutions, as evidenced by the high results of the applicants in the Unified State Exam (the average point is 223).
The Faculty is the member of the European Pharmaceutical Students Association (EPSA) and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF). Faculty representatives annually take part in EPSA congresses and in international student exchange programmes in the following areas: industrial pharmacy (factories and plants); administrative activity (Ministry of Health, etc.); clinical pharmacology; research area (research work).
Interaction with employers. The Faculty of Pharmacy actively cooperates with organizations of practical pharmacy where students are placed for work experience, gathering practical evidence for their course works, and graduate qualification works. Students are placed for practice in various pharmacies of the Samara region and other regions of the Volga Federal District; CJSC “Samaralektravy”, LLC “Ozon” (Zhigulevsk), JSC “Biosintez” (Penza), CSKB “Progress” (Samara), JSC “Samaramedprom” (Samara), LLC “Nizhpharm” (Nizhny Novgorod), pharmaceutical companies LLC “Vita” and LLC “Biomed” and other institutions.