Best Educational Programs: MEDICAL AND PREVENTIVE CARE
Preventive Medicine Faculty
Residency postgraduate studies

NASYBULLINA, Galiya Maksutovna
Dean of the Faculty
Programme presentation. The aim of the curriculum is training experts in Preventive Medicine with highly developed personal and professional competencies. Our graduates have a high cultural and professional level required for sanitary and epidemiological service, maintenance and improvement of public health. Consumer Rights and Protection is also included in the curriculum.
Teaching stuff. The study process is conducted by highly qualified specialists with PhD (79%), or MD (21%) degrees. The competent teaching stuff ensures a high level of education by introducing innovative teaching methods using information resources, medical databases, electronic textbooks, and laboratory tests. Our teachers are authors of textbooks approved by the Academic Methodology Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in
Competitiveness of students. A significant number of students are holders of the Russian Federation President Scholarship, the Russian Federation Government Grant, the Sverdlovsk Region Governor Scholarship and grants of the scientific research programs “Umnik” and “Start”.
Our post-graduates are in great demand in the labor market and are usually employed by the Federal Customer Rights and Protection Service and various preventive medicine institutions. They are provided with opportunities to continue their education in the Diploma programs in Health Science and Preventive Medicine, Health Service Organization, and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics.
Interaction with employers. The Preventive Medicine Faculty cooperates with the Federal Customer Rights and Protection Service and Preventive Medicine institutions in the development of educational programs, post-graduate study programs and their implementation, and research work.