Best Educational Programs: HEALTH CARE
Faculty of General Medicine
Specialist’s programme

KONSTANTINOV, Dmitry Yurievich
Programme presentation. Specialists in Health Care gain fundamental knowledge of special clinical disciplines: Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, Neurology, Psychiatry, Radiology, First Aid, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Phthisiology and Infectious Diseases. It is important to note the continuity in learning the academic disciplines. Along with the core subjects, humanitarian, socio-economic, and scientific disciplines are taught at the Faculty. Special emphasis is made on obtaining practical skills.
The Faculty provides a comfortable environment not only for education and research activity, but also for recreation, sports and creativity.
Teaching staff. Educational process is provided by the academicians of RAS, honoured scientists of the RF, Doctors and Candidates of Sciences as well as the leading specialists of the major city and regional medical institutions in Samara. The teaching staff have published more than 20 electronic textbooks; facilities of the interuniversity “Mediacentre” are commonly used. One of the indicators of the teaching staff quality is the availability of scientific and pedagogical schools at the HEI. It is the Faculty of General Medicine where the nationally famous scientific and pedagogical schools are established. Founders of these schools are outstanding scientists and honoured workers of practical healthcare: T.I. Eroshevsky, professor (Ophtalmology), Hero of Socialist Labour, corresponding member of the AMS of the USSR; M.V. Sergievsky, professor (Normal Physiology), corresponding member of the AMS of the USSR; honoured scientists of the RF S.V. Shestakov, professor (Propaedeutic Therapy), A.M. Aminev, professor (Hospital Surgery), G.L. Ratner, professor (Faculty Surgery) and others.
Competitiveness of students. Students, who are engaged in scientific research and get “good” and “excellent” grades in the core curriculum disciplines, have an opportunity to undergo foreign internships under the agreements on international cooperation with
Interaction with employers. Upon completion of education, graduates can undertake training in a wide range of medical specialties. Specialists in Health Care are demanded in state, private and departmental medical institutions, research institutes as well as in higher and secondary education institutions of military departments.