Best Educational Programs: PHARMACY
Faculty of Pharmacy
Specialist’s program

KATAEV, Valerii Alekseevich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2016 the program was recognized as the best within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
Bashkir State Medical University offers some more best Specialist's programs in the field of Healthcare:
Teaching staff. The faculty consists of eight departments, four of them being degree-granting. All departments are headed by Doctors of Sciences, Professors. The teaching staff include 30 Professors, Doctors of Sciences, including 11 Doctors of Pharmaceutical Sciences and 17 Candidates of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
University partners within the educational program. In 2012, as part of international cooperation, the university signed a student and staff exchange agreement with
Students’ achievements. The best students of the faculty are holders of the Russian Federation President and the Russian Federation Government scholarships granted within high priority national projects.
As part of the research association’s activities, students of the faculty present their scientific reports at all-Russian, regional, republican scientific conferences and win prizes in their categories.
Facilities and resources. The Faculty of Pharmacy has its own academic building. During practical studies students simulate various occupational situations that can occur at pharmacy organizations and at the enterprises manufacturing various drug dosage forms and assuring drug product quality (practical modules). The faculty has a simulation center for drilling practical skills, which allows teachers to provide high-quality training for future pharmacists-in-charge.
Opportunities for students. Students have an opportunity to do research, to participate in international and Russian olympiads in their major, as well as in sports and creativity competitions. Many students pursue their postgraduate and postdoctoral studies at the faculty.
The training facility for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy is the drugstore of the university clinic, where they undertake educational internship and work placement of various kinds, as well as compounding pharmacies of the Bashfarmatsia pharmaceutical company, municipal drugstores of Ufa, the botanical garden-institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Herbs of Bashkiria company, the Farmstandart-UfaVita pharmaceutical company, the sites of the regional experimental station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Krasnodar and Altai Territories, in botanical gardens (Pyatigorsk, Sukhumi).
Employment prospects. Pharmacist-in-charge.