Best Educational Programs: DENTISTRY
Dentistry Institute
Specialist’s program

TRUNIN, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program was top ranked in the framework of the annual project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016.
Samara State Medical University offers some more best Specialist's programs in the field of Healthcare:
Teaching staff. The institute comprises five departments and employs 15 Professors, 16 Associate Professors and over 30 Assistants, Candidates of Sciences. Over 94% of the teaching staff hold academic degrees.
University partners within the educational program. Samara State Medical University holds membership in the Dentistry Research and Education Medical Cluster together with other 57 member-universities. Belarusian State Medical University, Tashkent State Medical University (Uzbekistan), Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) provide practical training and on-the-job placement for Samara State Medical University students. Some students do internships at the University of Greifswald (Germany), the IvoclarVivadent company (USA). The institute has agreements on cooperation with Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Pavlov First State Medical University of St. Petersburg. The companies like 3M, Ormco, Oral-B, Colgate, ROCS, Dentsply-Sirona, Rokada-Med provide state-of-the-art equipment and expendable materials to be used in the educational process.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Training students’ practical skills is the main priority of the educational process. In March 2017, I.Iu. Shchukina, a dentist student, became a laureate of the Fifth All-Russia Student olympiad in Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases in the category of Application of Cofferdams. For exceptional excellence in study the best students are awarded personal scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Samara Region, the Academic Council of Samara State Medical University, P.V. Alabin scholarship, Professor M.A. Makienko scholarship named after a genius surgeon and a committed person, the founder and originator of the dentistry education at Samara State Medical University.
Facilities and resources. The university facilities include six academic buildings for theoretical training, 10 lecture rooms, over 100 well-equipped classrooms, two libraries, a reading hall, PC with access to the core library resources, access to the full-text databases: the e-library system “KnigaFond,” the e-library system “Students’ Consultant. E-library of a healthcare university” providing access to academic literature and supplementary materials, the legal reference system “Consultant Plus.”
Opportunities for students. Students master their dentistry skills and competencies by practicing on state-of-the-art national and imported equipment, using new technologies in the Training and Production Center of Simulating Education, where students undergo their initial accreditation.
Employment prospects. Dentist. After medical residency students may pursue the career of a dental therapist, orthopedist, dental surgeon, pediatric dentist, orthodontist, oral surgeon.